assalamualaikum wbt n selamat datang
Terima kasih kerana sudi meluangkan masa anda di blog 5111bundle,5111bundle turut menyedialan perkhidmatan alter t-shirt kolar,roundneck dan kemeja serendah RM5 sahaja.Sebarang pertanyaan sila hubungi saya di talian yang tertera di blog ini..,tq..
Any question or interested with my collection please call/sms :- Fendi: 017-9799757/019-4561668
terms and condition
All item are not returnable or refundable.If u want to booking please bank in half of the price and notify us.Price include postage fee by using parcel pos( Pos Malaysia)and take about 4@5 days or please add RM if u want to using courier service.
condition A+=macam baru A=bagus/ok A-=lusuh cikit B=lusuh C=buruk
All payment must be transfer to my CIMB/MAYBANK account(i'll giv when confirm).